
A mixture of the spices of life: humor with subtle hints of nostalgia and spirituality.

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Location: Ohio, United States

These are stories that have appeared in my "History She Wrote column" in the Dayton Daily News or a book titled "A Hike Through History" that I wrote for Third Graders.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Cleaning "allergy" could be hereditary

It didn't surprise me to learn that my granddaughter, Jessie, does all the dusting at their house. I was startled though, when she said, "My mother is allergic to dust." I wasn't aware that my daughter, Lisa, had this allergy. See the rest of this column at the Dayton Daily News web site: http://www.daytondailynews.com/neighbors/content/localnews/neighbors/warren_index.html Choose the article title "Cleaning allergy could be hereditary" and complete column will be displayed.